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Duct Leakage Testing
Inaccessible Leakage Verification (Smoke Test)
Cooling Coil Airflow Testing
Airflow Remediation Verification

Title 24 has set a minimum airflow requirement that needs to be HERS Verified. Using the most sophisticated and accurate equipment we can measure the quantity of air going through your HVAC system.

When the required airflow minimum has not been achieved, it may not be the fault of the installing contractor. Sometimes the contractor’s scope of work does not include a new duct system. This is a checklist verification that applies to existing or inaccessible duct. If all of the checklist items have been satisfied, it proves that the contractor has made their best effort within their scope of work.

Air leaks in a duct system are invisible. Pressurizing the duct system with a theatrical smoke machine can make these leaks visible and show whether or not the leakage sites are accessible for repair.

Duct Leakage is measured by sealing off all of the supply duct outlets and attaching a fan to the return duct inlet. The fan is energized to pressurize all of the ductwork and the air handling equipment. At this point, we can measure the leakage at a given pressure.

HERS Testing and Verification Title 24, part 6

MPHinc. has over 20 years experience providing these verifications and testing services to the single/multi-family homes and contractors. HERS Verification will hold your contractors accountable and help ensure that you are getting what you pay for. Don’t guess or hope that your HVAC system is performing, Let us prove it with diagnostic testing!

Fan Efficacy Testing

While we have an indoor airflow minimum requirement for new duct systems, we also have an indoor blower watt maximum (0.58 watts / CFM). This is to ensure that more fan energy is not being used to overcome a restrictive duct system. This is measured with standard electrical meters.

Refrigerant Charge Testing

The quantity of refrigerant installed in an air conditioner has a lot to do with its efficiency. This HERS Test verifies that all of the refrigerant temperatures and pressures are within manufacturers specifications.

Ventilation / Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

This test is required in residential new construction or remodels that are extensive enough to require energy modeling (CF1R). There is a required minimum continuous airflow that must be measured and certified by a HERS Rater to prove compliance. This quantity of ventilation air varies with the size of the building.

Quality Installation of Insulation (QII)

This HERS Verification must be completed before the interior wall and ceiling coverings have been installed (pre-drywall). The verification requires that not only the minimum “R” values of the insulation have been installed, but that it has been installed to meet all of the requirements of: 2016 Reference Appendices (RA3.5).

Verified Low Leakage Air Handler

Some HERS Verifications require research through manufacturer, independent rating agencies such as the AHRI database or The California Energy Commission. These verifications could include labeled component efficiency or mix and match component combination efficiencies.

Verified Duct Location

In some new homes, a HERS Verified duct location credit can be used to help meet the energy budget and comply with Title 24 calculations. Whether the ducts are located in a hot attic, crawl space, on the roof exposed to the direct sun or within the conditioned space of the building can have a great effect on the efficiency of the duct system.

Verified Duct Design

For those who do not wish to have their Cooling Coil Airflow or Fan Efficacy HERS Verified, this is an alternative HERS Verification. This verification requires that the return (inlet) side of the duct work be sized using the California Energy Commission tables 150.0-C “OR” 150.0-D. This option is available for “New” duct systems without zone controls.

Building Infiltration Reduction Verification Testing (Blower Door Testing)

In some new homes, a Blower Door credit can be used to help meet the energy budget and comply with Title 24 calculations. This HERS verification requires the pressurization of the entire body of the house to see how much leaks out at a given pressure.

Expedited CF3R Compliance Document Registration with HERS Provider

  • Certificate of HERS Rater Field Verification

Expedited CF2R Document Generation and Registration with HERS Provider

  • Builder / Contractor Installation Certificate


Hand filled compliance documents from the HERS rater are no longer a valid method to demonstrate
compliance. All required CF2R and CF3R documents must be generated and registered through the
California Energy Commission approved
HERS Registry.

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